Beauty Woman Tips

Beauty Tips For Athletes

Skin of -a / athletes exposed to many external agents (sun, cold, snow, wind, chlorine ...) and suffer more wear than other types of skin (dehydration, clogged pores, ...). Therefore, extra beauty care needs. We present beauty tips for athletes to consider:

Protect your skin.

The sun can be exposed to outdoor sportsmen, dry skin, causing premature aging, wrinkles and seams, plus spots on the skin or burns. Whether in summer (beach, swimming pool) or winter (snow), if you practice outdoor sports, do not forget your sunscreen before leaving the house, whether or cream with an SPF sunscreen.

Lancaster Sun Sport line is designed specifically to meet the needs of athletes. Sunscreen, sweat and water-resistant sunscreen or Clarins Sun Spray SPF15 Sport Solaire oil-free, especially for athletes.

Protect your eyes.

Although not all sports can be used, whenever possible, an athlete must protect your eyes with sunglasses that are suitable for your sport (running, climbing, skiing, ...).


Sweat, pollution or chlorine can clog pores, causing acne and blemishes. Avoid with a good skin care based on good cleaning: soap to remove dirt and grime and tonic or exfoliant to remove dead cells and prepare the skin for moisturizing.


Next and final step in the treatment process of an athlete's skin. Compensate for moisturizing dry skin the most: gel, cream or lotion, moisturizing and nourishing water back your skin needs and who loses exercise. Cosmetics, specifically a light texture and is easily absorbed so it will be very easy to take care of your skin when you treat your body.


If you are an athlete, you will probably love the fresh scent and energy, such as water or orange. For men, there are a lot of men's fragrances for athletes that I have talked about in the post "sport perfume for men".

Keep your body as fit as your skin. Be careful with the tips we will beat all your health and beauty brand.