Beauty Woman Tips


Winter and dry weather with low humidity is the main cause of dry skin, dry skin or xerosis, but other factors that may cause it.

The xerosis or dry skin can cause the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to leave skin cells healthy dry and wrinkled. While most cases are not serious and appropriate treatment is corrected, you must pay special attention to their cause to prevent it.

A common cause.

1. Habit  According to specialists from Mexico Foundation for Dermatology, sometimes dry skin is caused or irritated by excessive cleaning habits or inappropriate use of drugs.

2 bath excessive, especially hot water, can break the lipid barrier, which removes moisture from the skin and result in excessive dryness reveals the Mayo Clinic specialists.

3 Swim for a long time can also cause dry skin, because high and prolonged exposure to chemicals in swimming pools, chlorine, damaging and reducing moisture.

4. UV rays. The sun dries the skin. However, damage from ultraviolet (UV) penetrates beyond the top layer of skin (epidermis). The most significant damage occurs deep in the dermis, where collagen and elastin fibers break down faster than they should, which causes wrinkles and sagging skin.

5. Soaps and detergents. Many popular soap removes lipids and detergent water skin. Deodorant and antibacterial soaps are usually the most damaging, because many dry scalp shampoo.

6. Hypothyroidism  It is a condition that occurs when the thyroid produces hormones gradually reduce the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands, resulting in dry skin and rough.

7. It is believed that women are more susceptible than men to dry skin, but it happens in both cases. Also people with white skin, but the brunette has most of the pictures, which is emphasized according to the older age.