Back Fresh Massage of Ayurveda Shirodara
Ayurvedic Massage has been known in India for thousands of years. Disbursement little oil over the forehead to the specially formulated, precisely dicakra Ajna (third eye), can relieve stress, insomnia, blood circulation, and slow the growth of the white or gray hair.
Solid activity sometimes makes us tired. As a result, we will experience stress disorder, dull face, headaches, shoulder muscle pain, body fatigue and lethargy. The way to cope is to sleep. However, sleeping too much will result in the body is getting tired.
Can be compared to the body such as iron that had been left unused. If the organs are too long rested, the organ will be rusty and consequently the body becomes stiff and tired.
In addition, the density of activity, fatigue can also be caused by inadequate nutrition and vitamins. Inadequate nutrition and vitamins make the body is deprived of oxygen and eventually became sore and tired. Depression also makes the mind becomes tired, drained of energy, and ultimately lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.
Relaxation into the proper way to handle it. There are various ways to get relaxation like massage therapy, acupressure therapy, aroma therapy, bath therapy, meditation therapy, and much more. Most appropriate therapy to overcome fatigue is the ayurvedic massage therapy or commonly called ayurveda shirodara.
Shirodara Ayurveda is a natural health care that originated in India. "Ayur" means life and "Veda" means knowledge. Ayurvedic concept is similar to the concept of yin and yang in Chinese medicine because both talk about balance.
In ayurveda there dosha, ie the division of the body by its very nature such as air (vata), water (kapha), and fire (pitta). If these three elements are not balanced, there will be pain. And that balance again obtained, ayurvedic treatment process needs to be done.
All the benefits of a small stream of oil obtained from a special blend Indian style in the forehead, ajna dicakra precisely.
The treatment consists of massaging the whole body with oil that is specially formulated for relaxation and there are full-blooded face. Full-blooded face merileksasikan useful for muscle nerves in the face. Oil is a special blend of Indian tailored to the group / body type based on the science of ancient Indian tradition. Head massage with special oils and creams. The treatment ends with a shower.
Actually there was also no problem. Because the used oil contains good for the skin. Let it seep oil skin. This oil will make skin moist, elastic, bright, and smooth.
Ayurvedic Massage has been known in India for thousands of years. Disbursement little oil over the forehead to the specially formulated, precisely dicakra Ajna (third eye), can relieve stress, insomnia, blood circulation, and slow the growth of the white or gray hair.
Solid activity sometimes makes us tired. As a result, we will experience stress disorder, dull face, headaches, shoulder muscle pain, body fatigue and lethargy. The way to cope is to sleep. However, sleeping too much will result in the body is getting tired.
Can be compared to the body such as iron that had been left unused. If the organs are too long rested, the organ will be rusty and consequently the body becomes stiff and tired.
In addition, the density of activity, fatigue can also be caused by inadequate nutrition and vitamins. Inadequate nutrition and vitamins make the body is deprived of oxygen and eventually became sore and tired. Depression also makes the mind becomes tired, drained of energy, and ultimately lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.
Relaxation into the proper way to handle it. There are various ways to get relaxation like massage therapy, acupressure therapy, aroma therapy, bath therapy, meditation therapy, and much more. Most appropriate therapy to overcome fatigue is the ayurvedic massage therapy or commonly called ayurveda shirodara.
Shirodara Ayurveda is a natural health care that originated in India. "Ayur" means life and "Veda" means knowledge. Ayurvedic concept is similar to the concept of yin and yang in Chinese medicine because both talk about balance.
In ayurveda there dosha, ie the division of the body by its very nature such as air (vata), water (kapha), and fire (pitta). If these three elements are not balanced, there will be pain. And that balance again obtained, ayurvedic treatment process needs to be done.
All the benefits of a small stream of oil obtained from a special blend Indian style in the forehead, ajna dicakra precisely.
The treatment consists of massaging the whole body with oil that is specially formulated for relaxation and there are full-blooded face. Full-blooded face merileksasikan useful for muscle nerves in the face. Oil is a special blend of Indian tailored to the group / body type based on the science of ancient Indian tradition. Head massage with special oils and creams. The treatment ends with a shower.
Actually there was also no problem. Because the used oil contains good for the skin. Let it seep oil skin. This oil will make skin moist, elastic, bright, and smooth.