Beauty Woman Tips

Baking Soda for Treating Beauty

Benefits of Baking Soda for Treating Beauty

Baking soda is the material typically used in the manufacture of pastry that can expands like a sponge cake and others. In addition to baking soda you may also mngenal baking powder. Both of these materials are both used in making cakes, but the two are different, in which baking soda is pure sodium or sodium bicarbonate, while baking powder is sodium bicarbonate which has been mixed with the acidic material and other drying agents.
Benefits of Baking Soda

OK, on this occasion we are not talking about how to make a cake, but how to care for the beauty or benefit of baking soda in beauty care. So helpful in addition to baking soda as baking ingredients also play a role in providing benefits to female beauty. With baking soda you can take care of your face, nails, feet, hair, etc.. Want to know how how? Here we will bahaskan.

Benefits of Baking Soda for Beauty

1 Eliminate acne of the face
One of the benefits of baking soda to eliminate acne beauty is in your face. The trick is to mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda with water and stir until the pasta. Use this paste as a face mask after cleaning your face. Let stand for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Baking soda can cure and eliminate blackheads and pimples.

2 Benefits of Baking soda to scrub the face
Aside from being a natural ingredient to treat acne, baking soda is also good as a facial scrub. How to make a facial scrub of baking soda as well as making acne medication on top. Baking soda into a paste that you smear had to face as a mask. This facial scrub helpful to remove and lift the skins of dead in the area of ​​your beautiful face.

3 Eliminating black spots on the face
Pure sodium bicarbonate can also be used as a natural ingredient in removing dark spots on your face. How to use it is to mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one cup of milk. Stir both ingredients until it thickens into a paste. Use this material as a facial scrub, this method in addition to eliminating the black spots on the face is also beneficial to remove blackheads.

4 Baking soda for hair
Baking soda is also useful as a natural ingredient in beauty care for hair. How to use it is to mix baking soda with the shampoo with the same ratio of average. Then washed with the mixture of materials. Baking soda will make your hair semakoin cleaner and cleaner than just using a shampoo wash premises.

5. Benefits baking soda to foot
If you have problems with your akki eg broken leg, you can use baking soda as obatanya. The trick is to soak feet in water (in the basin) that has been mixed with a few tablespoons of baking soda or sodium bicarbonate. Then after soaking the feet a few minutes, rubbing your feet on the cracked area.

6 Benefits of baking soda to tackle oily face
Oily face do not need to use a variety of materials are expensive facial scrubs available in beauty stores. You can use a natural mixture of sodium bicarbonate, water and wheat. Mix these ingredients until the pasta. Then apply on your face and gently gogokkan the face of your circular manner. The third is a mixture of natural ingredients can lift clogged pores and removes excess oil on your face area.

7 Baking soda for nail care
Another benefit of baking soda to clean your nails are dirty, you can use a paste of baking soda to clean the nail by way of scrubbing with a toothbrush that is not used anymore.

Thus 7 Benefits of Baking Soda or sodium bicarbonate purely for beauty care of your face. If you have problems with any of the above, you can overcome this by using baking soda. Good luck and success.