Beauty Woman Tips

Eliminate Dandruff Naturally

How to Eliminate Dandruff Naturally

How to Eliminate Dandruff Naturally - Is your scalp dandruff? Dandruff is dead skin peeling due to coconut skin cells are dead. Exfoliation is actually normal, but if it occurs continuously will negatively impact the appearance of dandruff. Dandruff makes one itchy and uncomfortable with his head. So, inevitably dandruff must be destroyed and removed from the head. If you belong to one of the victims of dandruff, there are tips and we want to share with you how to get rid of dandruff naturally, hopefully your head that dandruff can be clean and free from dandruff.

How to Eliminate Dandruff
How to Eliminate Dandruff Naturally
Powerful Ways Eliminate Dandruff Naturally
Here we are some natural ways and effectual in removing dandruff scalp.

1 Using coconut oil
Coconut oil is a great natural ingredient eliminates stubborn dandruff scalp. The content of vitamin E and good fats in coconut oil are effective in driving out dandruff. The trick is to smear the head rub coconut oil before going to bed, then wrap your head with a hot towel, let stand a few minutes and rinse thoroughly.

2 pineapple, coconut milk and lime
Beberpaa incorporation of natural materials is also effective in eliminating dandruff scalp. Take 1 cup pineapple that has been blended, firs half coconut milk and lime juice. Combine pineapple and coconut milk then give the lemon (lime juice), mix these three natural ingredients until thoroughly mixed and apply on the scalp evenly. Use this mixture once a day 5.

3 Salt
Your scalp acne would leave acne scars or keriping. Residual injury to the scalp it will turn out to be dandruff, for that it is necessary to provide a taste of salt on the scalp. Take salt and massage, massage your scalp evenly. Allow a few moments and rinse thoroughly using a shampoo.

4 Using white vinegar
How to get rid of dandruff then is to use white vinegar. Mix white vinegar with water at a ratio of 1: 1. Then poijat-massage your scalp with the mixture with water, set aside some time and clean the scalp with clean water.

You can use one of the above methods and natural way. If you want berish of dandruff, the diligent use one of the above forms of herbal medicine as a natural ingredient to eliminate dandruff. Hopefully your dandruff disappear fast your hair clean and dandruff free.