Beauty Woman Tips

How To Deal With Unruly Hair | Prevent Tangles

How To Deal With Unruly Hair | Prevent Tangles

  Tangles is a situation where something happened irregularities, as well as hair that tangles irregular untidy eyebrows. Tangling the hair is extremely inconvenient, especially when we want to comb my hair, it is very inconvenient.
how to cope with matted hair

Hair matted hair can cause fractures and branching. That is why this tangled hair should immediately be avoided to prevent other problems on your hair. That's also why I made this post about how to cope with matted hair and prevent frizz. Hopefully this can be helpful for you.

Tips on how to Overcome  Unruly Hair

1 Using Detangling Spray
Ever imagine how painful combing tangled hair, not painful! even that's not going to happen, but also your hair will be broken and damaged.

To solve this problem you can use Detangling Spray to your hair. Detangkling Spray is an anti-wrinkle spray that works like a lubricant, so you can frizz easily overcome with this spray. Before combing your hair, you should use a detangling spray so that you can be flexible in taking care of your hair tangling.

2 Use spray conditioner
It almost together with the use detangling spray. Usually it tangles caused by excessive dryness in your hair. So overcome with conditioner spray, this will work provide moisture to your hair so that the hair can be prevented and eliminated tangles from your hair.

To use use starting from the tip of the hair little by little get to the root of the hair.

3 Do not rub your hair with towel
Another way to overcome that is by no tangled hair using a towel to dry hair. The use of towels as you press too hard on the head after a shower not only make your hair tangles but also damage healthy hair.

so after a shower you can squeeze out the water by hand or your head with a towel, do it slowly so you dirambut water down and then wrap your head with a towel to dry.

4 Wear a hat to sleep
Hats at bedtime would be helpful for those of you who have long hair and potentially tangled. Did you know that the friction of sleep will make you branched and tangled hair. So avoid this by wearing a hat to bed.

Comb hair first, then roll well and enter into your sleeping cap.

Those are some ways to overcome frizz hopefully be useful and can make you free from tangled hair, so the hair could be better health.