Beauty Woman Tips

Caring Beauty with Tomatoes

Caring Beauty with Tomatoes | Tomatoes Benefits

Tomatoes that you frequently use in everyday cooking spice good for your health. But did you know that tomatoes are also great for your skin beauty. By eating tomatoes sellau skin will look bright and beautiful. So, for those of you who can not afford to buy beauty products, what's wrong with you try this natural material as the material of your beauty treatments, certainly no side effects, it is safer to use.
Caring Beauty

As quoted from, following some tomatoes usefulness in treating skin beauty.

1 Tomato as a sunscreen
Sunscreen is important that you use to protect the skin from sun exposure can cause wrinkles. If you're too lazy to use sunscreen you can consume tomatoes. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which act as anti-oxidants to fight free radicals and protect the skin from wrinkles.

2 Anti-aging
Almost the same as point number 1 Tomatoes are also useful as an anti-aging, make you stay young. The content of anti-oxidants in tomatoes will repel free radicals which cause damage to skin cells. So with ruitn consume tomatoes to juice, then the skin will always be beautiful and durable, and you will always look beautiful and young.

3 Tomatoes against dandruff
Because dandruff is the result of scalp peeled, then by eating tomatoes regularly will make your skin healthy, relieve itching on the scalp and cause dandruff cast your scalp itch. It's easy turns maintaining skin health and skin beauty, what are you waiting? Rely on tomatoes as a fruit beauty.

4. Shrinks pore
The pores will be enlarged along with increasing age. But you can minimize your pores rough with tomato juice consumption on a regular basis. Tomatoes will prevent the occurrence of acne and prevent enlargement of the pores on your face.

Tomatoes can beautify and nourish our bodies naturally. Thus some way beauty care with tomatoes, let's take the benefits of natural health and beauty for us